One Mission, One Acronym, and a soundbite at a time

With one mission, one acronym and a soundbite at a time, we hope to inspire and guide you with the necessary steps to customize an emergency plan that’s suitable enough to meet your needs/lifestyle. As you apply the practical knowledge shared, we hope you feel empowered to endure whatever type of disaster likely to happen within your area.

We aspire to collaborate with local businesses/agencies/organizations and to inform as many communities as possible (and hopefully expand this knowledge at a global scale) by encouraging and motivating everyone to collaborate, create, design and establish their own local groups pertinent to and within their own disaster prone locations.

Our passion is to help facilitate your community’s current emergency preparation process along with your friends, families and other potential networks in the most practical, collaborative way possible.

In an unexpected, unusual way, our endeavor has turned into a productive effort that has served as a conduit for different people to come together as one community.

We are already beginning to see this at a local level where our first public information session has encouraged a few likeminded people to network and collaborate together with the same purpose.

In essence, the whole journey from start up until where we are now-in an unexpected and exciting way-has fallen into place quite nicely.

It was meant to be.

So, before we go into more details or reveal the objectives behind Prepare “FOUR,” (shared in a separate post) we feel it is important to also share our own personal story of survival.

You can read our story in the  “About Us” section of our PrepareFOUR Facebook Community page.

We believe this is one of the most practical ways to add our own personal touch to this venture.

As mentioned in our initial FB posts, the acronym “FOUR” means to:

Formulate a plan. Organize a plan. Utilize a plan. Repeat.

Formulating a plan can be as simple as writing down your ideas, strategies and hacks you may have already thought about or used during a difficult time of need.

All FOUR  baby steps of Formulating, Organizing, Utilizing and Repeating a plan are discussed in a little more detail in various Facebook notes and have also been presented to the public at a local level.

In the near future, we hope to create and provide an expanded ebook version of this presentation to assist anyone with their survival planning process.

During the brainstorming stages of planning and establishing PrepareFOUR, we realized the importance of  keeping hope alive before, during and after a crisis.

Generally, we found that talking about hope seems to be one of the missing pieces to the puzzle of the survival planning process. Nowadays, with so much negativity going on, it has become so easy to forget about hope-esp. within the disaster preparedness community. We decided to add this concept as one of the major (if not most important) components to our project.

We strongly believe that placing a little more emphasis on hope might help us accomplish a whole lot more to endure a crisis efficiently.

After all, we already have more than enough negativity going around worldwide to fill our entire earth with hopelessness and darkness.

So, why not approach our emergency planning process with a more positive and hopeful outlook?*

With that said, while there are other ways to go about keeping a positive mindset during your prepping stages, here are our suggestions:

Within the soundbite,  ‘hoping “FOUR” the best’ we believe that it can mean to:

F-ormulate your own harmony

O-blige yourself to always see the good in the midst of anything bad

U-nderstand yourself first before you can “try” to understand others


Formulating your own harmony can be as simple as trying to find and capture a meaningful moment of hope in the midst of all the chaos. And, this does not necessarily mean that it  ONLY needs to be in an actual natural disaster crisis.

After all, there are many times some of us do experience our own unexpected “little” spiritual, emotional and physical “disasters”.

However, learning to master this one challenging step might help us to:

Oblige ourselves to continuously see the good (in the midst of the bad) in every area of our lives.

Yes. I know this is easier said than done.

Remaining hopeful in the midst of any chaotic situation can (at times) be more painful and frustrating than the chaos itself.

However, Can any one of us-by worrying-add a single hour to our life?” (NIV-Matthew 6:27)

That portion of scripture is as true as it is self explanatory.

So, in reality, choosing to see the good in the midst of the bad will, most certainly, always be much more beneficial than worrying ourselves to death.

Worrying robs us of the hope that actually carries us through the chaos itself.

I would like to quote:

“The toughest terrain to negotiate is-oftentimes-the distance between your ears.” R. Marshall

In other words, one of the toughest things to survive in life is the battlefield of our mind.

We need to make it our duty to remain hopeful. No one says it will be easy.

It will not be.

However, if we’re gonna go about saving people’s lives, might as well go about it filled with hope and not hopelessness.

And, lastly:

Always try to understand yourself first so that you can feel the confident ability to understand others.

It is true that when you approach a person from a place of peace and understanding, it is so much easier to understand where they’re coming from rather than approaching them from a place of pre-judgements and negativity.

Learning to understand yourself allows you to have the rare but good opportunity to understand others.

I hope these suggestions of hoping are helpful enough to keep you hopeful.

Finally…, always remember to repeat your steps.

Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.



Suggestions to include other well known or reputable page links into our community or Blog are definitely welcomed. Sharing this information will be useful in providing you with an even more invaluable and improved 4 in 1 stop survival community experience.

Feel free to post them on our Facebook Page


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*If something bad is going to happen, it’s going to happen in the most unexpected and unimaginable way. There is no way of knowing if we’ll ever be too prepared or not prepared enough. So, might as well enjoy life in the process. And. always, keep in mind that the “preparing” process is in and of itself an investment towards a future filled with hope-a hope that is despite (and not because) of the worst.
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